Rocky: The True Story of a Dog Who Adopted Humans Nobody Else Wanted

Rocky: The True Story of a Dog Who Adopted Humans Nobody Else Wanted Rocky: The True Story of a Dog Who Adopted Humans Nobody Else Wanted

Do you know what grief therapists recommend when you lose love of your life–talk to your family and friends. But what do you tell them when your only family and friend is your dog, the one you just lost?

Will they understand? Will anyone understand?

Pet loss can expose you to tiring explanations. You must explain to your boss that you need some time off because you lost your (special) family member. You must explain to your friends that there is only one friend who never left your side, your best friend. You must explain to your social media followers that a sad face emoji does not lessen the pain.

Pet loss can also be the greatest spiritual experience that you’ll ever go through. But to experience something great, you first must heal, and healing is possible only when you allow yourself to be shaken to the core.

Do you believe in the Rainbow Bridge story—the magical place where pets wait for their humans until they all meet again? If so, that’s heartwarming, but this is not such a story.

This is a story about angels called pets who never leave their humans behind. The angel in this story is called Rocky.
Maybe you will find something in this book that will remind you of your story and your angel…

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